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来源: 作者:于洋 时间:2015-02-09 Tag: 点击:
#稀有血型微知识#美国的稀有血型库是怎么做的? 威斯康辛州血液中心对血液献血志愿者的指导,可以看看美国的稀有血型库是怎么做的。 翻译如果有错误,请不吝指正,万分感谢。 Q. What does it mean to have a rare blood type? 拥有稀有血型意味着什么? A. The term “rare” means that the type occurs in only a few people. Some rare types only occur in 1 in 5000 people. Many rare types are unique to specific populations. For example, Vel negative blood is more common in Caucasians while U negative blood is more commonly found in African Americans. “稀有”这个词是指发生的概率极低。有些血型甚至是五千分之一。许多稀有血型是特定族群特有的,比如,Vel阴性在高加索人中很常见,而U阴性则常见于美国黑人中。 Q. Does this mean there is something wrong with my blood? 这是否意味着我的血液出了问题? A. No. A person with a rare blood type does not have better or worse blood—it is just a genetic difference. And it means you are extremely special! 不,稀有血型并不意味着好或坏,它只是一种基因上的差异,而且它让你显得更为特别! Q. If it is a genetic difference, does that mean others in my family might also be rare? 如果是由于基因差异,那么是否暗示我的家人也有可能拥有稀有血型? A. Yes, especially your brothers and sisters. Please encourage them to donate also. 是的,尤其是你的兄弟姐妹,请鼓励他们踊跃献血。 Q. Why are rare donors needed? 为什么血液中心需要稀有血型献血者? A. Because some blood types are so rare, your donation may be someone’s only hope for survival. Patients who need frequent transfusions because of certain diseases such as sickle cell disease, leukemia and other cancers are especially at risk. 因为有的血型非常罕见,你的一次献血可能就是他人生存的唯一希望,尤其是那些长期输血的病人,比如镰状红细胞贫血、白血病或者其他癌症。 Q. What is ARDP? ARDP指的是什么? A. ARDP is the American Rare Donor Program. It is based in Philadelphia where they maintain a nationwide database of rare donors. 美国稀有血型志愿者计划。它的总部在费城,拥有全国稀有血型志愿者的数据库。 Q. What happens when I give permission to be an ARDP registered donor? 我登记成为ARDP志愿者之后,会怎么样呢? A. Blood Center of Wisconsin will notify ARDP that we are registering a donor, for example, that is O Positive and U Negative. If another blood center needs O Positive U Negative blood, ARDP can check their database and see that we have a donor registered with that type. They will then contact us to see if we have blood available or can call a donor to donate. 威斯康辛州州血液中心会向ARDP报告我们登记的志愿者资料,比如O+U-,如果其他血液中心需要这种血型的血液,ARDP可以通过查询数据库,得知我们这里有这种类型的献血者。他们会联系我们,看是否有血液库存,或者能否联系献血者。 Q. Will I ever be contacted by ARDP? ARDP会直接联系我吗? A. No. Blood Center of Wisconsin only provides ARDP with your blood type and donor number. No personal information is provided. 不会。威斯康辛州血液中心只会向ARDP提供志愿者的血型和会员编号,不会泄露私人信息。 Q. What happens after I join ARDP? 我加入ARDP之后会怎么样? A. Blood Center of Wisconsin will contact you occasionally to update your address. We may also contact you to donate if we get a request for your rare type and have no units available in inventory. 威斯康辛州血液中心偶尔会联系您,以便更新您的地址信息。一旦接到同血型的求援信息,而血站没有库存的话,我们会联系您献血。 Q. Can I continue to donate regularly or should I wait until my type is needed? 我应该定期献血还是等待血液中心的需求通知? A. Please continue to donate regularly. We get many requests each day for patients across the country that are in immediate need of blood. If we have blood available in our inventory, we can ship it the same day. 请定期献血。我们每天都会接到全国各地患者急需血液救助的信息。如果库存有足够的血液,我们可以当日运出以供救助。 Q. What if I donate and my type isn’t needed? 如果我献了血而我的血没有需求怎么办? A. If you donate blood and we do not have any requests for your type, your donation is frozen for use in the future. Blood can be specially frozen for up to 10 years. 如果没有需求,我们会将您捐献的血液冰冻,以便将来使用。血液可以通过超低温冰冻保存十年。 2015-02-09 中国稀有血型联盟
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